Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills

Breast augmentation in Beverly Hills and around the world remains among the most popular of all plastic surgeries and boasts an extremely high satisfaction rate. Dr. J is regarded as a genuine master of breast augmentation procedure, thanks to extraordinary outcomes that consistently thrill patients.

Why Breast Size Matters

Breasts are a very prominent bodily feature and many women naturally want to make improvements. Some are unsatisfied with their smaller breasts and would like to enlarge them by one or more cup sizes. Other women may have lost breast volume after pregnancy and nursing and would like to restore their previous appearance. Whether obtained on their own, in tandem with a breast lift, or even combined with other surgical procedures, breast augmentation can foster gorgeous outcomes that can add to a woman’s self-confidence whatever she’s wearing…or not wearing! Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., better known simply as Dr. J, is among the leaders in this most competitive area of plastic surgery. His extensive record of outstanding breast augmentation results is demonstrated in in Dr.J’s breast augmentation before & after gallery. Feel free to take a look. If you like what you’re seeing and are curious about what leading double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. J can do for you, keep reading.

Before and after photos

The Procedure

There are multiple methods of putting a breast implant in place. An extremely small incision in the areola is frequently used but incisions in the crease just beneath the breast, medically known as inframammary incisions, are another possibility. In these cases, the lower part of the breast generally covers the scar.

Each approach has its benefits and Dr. J works closely with each patient to determine which is best in her case. Whatever type of procedure he employs, Dr. J’s incisions are extremely small and our patients follow a thorough post-op regimen to ensure optimal healing.

Breast Augmentation Procedure by Dr.J
Breast Augmentation Procedure by Dr.J
Breast Augmentation Rapid Recovery
Breast Augmentation Rapid Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Dr. J performs special rapid recovery breast augmentation; this technique is available to most patients with some exceptions. It allows women a speedier recovery with less downtime, less bruising, less swelling, and less restricted arm movements. It is customized for each patient to maximize the speed of recovery and minimize discomfort and there is no need for an overnight stay. Patients generally take nothing stronger than over-the-counter pain medication following the procedure.

Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills is About More than a Zip Code!

The idea of getting breast augmentation in Beverly Hills might sound exciting, but improving a woman’s figure is about much more than geography. At the same time, there’s no getting around the fact that the world-famous city of Beverly Hills plays host to thousands of plastic surgeons and that many of them are among the finest in the profession. Regardless, it’s important to choose the right plastic surgeon for you wherever they are located.

Dr. J has made his name in this supremely competitive climate by doing the kind of remarkable work that you can see in plastic surgery before & after galleries. Dr. J often says that, whatever part of the body he’s working on, his goal is not just improving the appearance of that one area of the body; it’s ensuring that the result is as flattering as possible to the patient’s overall look.

Start living the dream® today! To find out more about working with one of the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, or anywhere else, contact us today at the phone number above. You can also reach out online by visiting our contact page.

Breast Augmentation Actual Patient
Actual Patient
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Get in Touch with Dr. J!

If you are interested in a plastic surgery and aesthetic work with Dr. J, feel free to reach out to by calling (310) 993-3800 or filling out the form below!