Celebrate Your Curves!

Every woman is different and has different preferences. In the late 20th century, it seemed as if smaller behinds were what every woman wanted. Now we’re well into the 21st century and women are embracing a fuller and more curvaceous appearance. Acclaimed plastic surgeon Payam Jarrah-Nejad, MD, FICS, FACS has been a pioneer of the Brazilian butt lift and has produced stunning results in numerous grateful patients. His approach to buttock augmentation leans away from implants; he prefers to take unwanted fat from elsewhere in the body to sculpt a new, more attractively voluptuous backside.

Dr. J., as he is known familiarly, has enjoyed a tremendous record of success using his fat transfer to buttocks technique. An innovator and a pioneer in many areas, Dr. J. is able to reduce recovery times to a minimum, allowing patients to return to their normal lives as quickly as possible following surgery. He is also celebrated by his patients for his sculptural ability.

Sculpting the most attractive buttocks possible requires skills that go beyond technical surgical ability and medical knowledge. Understanding how the appearance of the backside blends in with the totality of a woman’s appearance requires sensitivity and a creative touch. Dr. J. understands that women are far more than the sum of their parts. Whatever part of the body he is working, Dr. J. has his eye on the total woman.

For more information on a consultation at Dr. J.’s offices, call (310) 993-3800.

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