It’s Not Just for Women!

Many gender stereotypes have been retired over the last several decades, but one of the last to wither away is the misconception that men are only marginally interested in their appearance. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S. – also known as Dr. J – knows different. As one of the most respected and popular of plastic surgeons working in the highly competitive Los Angeles and Beverly Hills market, he has treated numerous male patients with consistently excellent results.

While the popular idea of plastic surgery on the body tends to begin and end with the kind of procedures viewable on Dr. J’s augmentation and breast lift (mastopexy) before and after photos page, as well as buttock augmentation (aka the Brazilian butt lift), that is not the whole story. Many men have turned to Dr. J for help with unusually large breasts, a condition known medically as gyenecomastia. As the pictures on Dr. J’s gynecomastia before and after page amply demonstrate, men with this condition can hope for a more conventional and attractive physique – a significant boost to male confidence in a number of situations.

Of course, men are concerned with their facial appearance as well, and such routine plastic surgeries as rhinoplasty (nose jobs), blepharophasty (eyelid lifts), ear pinning and facelifts are routinely performed on men with outstanding results. If you see more pictures of women than men on the website in general, that could be the result of a certain male shyness when it comes to showing off the results of a procedure. Dr. J is here to help these men learn they have nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s natural to want to look your best!

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