Once Upon a Time in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills might seem to many people like a kind of fantasyland, especially if they live well outside of the Greater Los Angeles area. The truth is, however, that in most respects, it’s just another small city tucked inside the much larger metropolitan area of Los Angeles. Yet, for a busy plastic surgeon like Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., known to his patients as Dr. J, it’s simply the place he works…even if many a patient from around the world is especially attracted to the idea of having breast augmentation, liposuction, or rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills.

With the possible exception of the Gangnam District of Seoul, South Korea, Beverly Hills is probably the most plastic surgeon-rich environment on the planet. Even so, patients who want to make a good choice of a plastic surgeon have certain sign posts that apply wherever they may go for a procedure. First of all, it’s crucial that the surgeon should be board certified. This signifies that the doctor has been held up to a high standard by one of the organizations recognized in the field. When a patient turns to Dr. J for a rhinoplasty or an otoplasty in Beverly Hills, he or she can be reassured by the reality that the doctor is, in fact, double board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery as well as the American Board of Surgery.

It’s true that Beverly Hills is a anything but a fantasyland and plastic surgery requires a great deal of technical mastery, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be excited by your results if you work with a qualified physician. If you would like to find out more about the reality of, say, a mommy makeover in Beverly Hills with Dr. J, free initial consultations are available.

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