Otoplasty Cost

We all know that growing up can be hard, and it can be even harder if we happen to have features such as “floppy” ears that lend themselves to teasing. People seek this procedure because they were bullied for the appearance of their ears. The simple solution can save a lifetime of psychological costs, preventing bullying and helping their self-confidence. Generally speaking, cosmetic procedures are for self-esteem purposes, and in this case it prevents bullying and it is a low-cost, short procedure with a quick recovery.

Otoplasty Cost

The popularity of the procedure popularly known as ear pinning has led many parents to inquire about otoplasty cost with Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, one of Beverly Hills’ best regarded doctors and a double-board certified plastic surgeon. While the benefits of the ear pinning procedure are obvious and the surgery is among the safest and most commonly performed of plastic surgeries, it’s only natural that the cost of the procedure should be a concern.

While otoplasty is usually not covered by medical insurance, the good news is that the cost is quite likely more reasonable than many people might expect. In the experience of Dr. Jarrah-Nejad, otoplasty cost has rarely been a determinative factor when it comes down to whether or not patients obtain the procedure. Where money is a concern, Dr. J – as he affectionately known to his patients and staff – is able to work out payment schedules that make the procedure affordable even for families of modest means. Plus, Dr. J’s expertise and experience combined with an efficient staff means that operative time is low, which reduces overall costs.

Otoplasty in Beverly Hills is most often performed on younger children, though it may also be given to adults. It is accomplished through a tiny incision behind the ear which allows Dr. J to mold the cartilage to craft a natural look that focuses far less attention on the ears. The procedure is usually performed with just a local anesthesia and recovery times and scarring are minimal. Moreover, Dr. J has been praised by many parents for his sensitivity and ability to calm the concerns of younger patients regarding their ear surgery. When it comes to plastic surgery from a top-tier plastic surgeon, Dr. J offers his Rodeo Drive skillset at a price anybody can afford.

For more information about ear pinning and otoplasty cost, please call our offices at (310) 993-3800 or visit our contact page.

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