Arm Lift from Dr. J Leads to Youthful Beauty Throughout One’s Life

Today, cosmetic procedures are a commonly utilized method of bringing timeless beauty into one’s life –particularly in Southern California. Thus, it perhaps comes as no surprise that Payam Jarrah-Nejad, the region’s premier surgeon for buttock augmentation, is also the ideal option for those seeking any number of aesthetic facial and body procedures.

Known affectionately as Dr. J to staff and patients, the acclaimed surgeon has found incredible success in performing procedures like arm lift. Also known as brachioplasty, arm lift is a surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of one’s arm – from the underarm region to the elbow. It can be performed to reduce excess skin and fat between the underarm and elbow, as well as reshaping the arm to result in smoother skin and contours – in essence, a more toned and traditionally beautiful appearance.

As we age, environmental factors and fluctuations in weight can cause one’s upper arms to develop a drooping, sagging appearance that exercise alone cannot eliminate. Yet, with the work of Dr. J, patients can enjoy youthful, stunning beauty well into their life’s journey – as well as the self-confidence that the procedure brings. Perhaps just as importantly, Dr. J works to educate each individual regarding their journey towards aesthetic beauty, ensuring they are comfortable on every step of the experience.

To get a sense of Dr. J’s incredible expertise, simply browse the arm lift or liposuction before and after photos from past patients. To schedule a free consultation, contact his office today, and prepare to embrace aesthetic beauty in your own life.

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