Beach Body Bingo?

At least in moderation, games of chance like bingo can be a lot of fun. However, when it comes to having plastic surgery to improve your beach body, you want to leave as little to chance as possible. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., known more casually to his patients and coworkers as Dr. J, strongly suggests that patients who wish to improve their appearance at the beach or poolside do whatever they can to ensure that they receive the very best results as effectively and as safely as possible.

There are several choices that need to be made when considering any procedure. Consider the Brazilian butt lift Los Angeles area patients so often receive. Patients who are interested in buttock augmentation sometimes assume that their only alternative is a synthetic implant. In fact, Dr. J and many other plastic surgeons agree that the preferable technique is using unwanted fat obtained from elsewhere in the body via liposuction. The Brazilian butt lift allows the plastic surgeon an improved ability to sculpt a more attractive and natural looking backside while also offering patients something of a “twofer” in terms of improving the appearance of two areas of their body. Even more important, however, using the patient’s own fat reduces the chances of complication due to infection.

Of course, whether you get a buttock or breast augmentation in Beverly Hills at Dr. J’s offices, not to mention a tummy tuck, or any other procedure – beach body oriented or otherwise – the most important thing to do to perfect your odds of an outstanding outcome is to choose an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. J is double board certified and his past procedures can be seen at the galleries on this site. If you are interested in improving your appearance in a swimsuit but don’t want to take any chances, he and his team would love to hear from you.

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