Breast Augmentation and Much More for a Skilled Surgeon

For years, Southern California – and particularly Beverly Hills – has been known across the globe as the ideal place to start for those seeking truly confidence-boosting, artful plastic surgery. The region is home to some of the best cosmetic surgeons found anywhere, and chief among them is Payam Jarrah-Nejad, MD, FICS, FACS.

Browsing plastic surgery photos, like the chin implants before and after gallery of the acclaimed surgeon – known affectionately as “Dr. J” to his patients and contemporaries – provides a clear portrayal of the impressive skill of Dr. J. Though Dr. J is capable of achieving exceptional results when performing lesser-known treatments like chin implants or ear pinning (otoplasty), this is to take nothing away from the incredible effect experienced by those who seek more popular treatments like breast lift with augmentation in Beverly Hills.

Amazing Breast Augmentation Results

While a breast life alone can restore the appearance of some patient’s breasts, combining the treatment with an augmentation can lead to truly artful results. When performing a breast lift, Dr. J will reshape the breast and often raise the nipple to create the most aesthetically pleasing result. Meanwhile, an augmentation will involve the molding of the breast to help every patient achieve their precise and individual beauty goals.

When you take a look at the breast augmentation or ear pinning (otoplasty) before and after photo galleries of Dr. J, keep in mind that this is only a fraction of what he is capable of. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated team to learn more about treatment from our exceptional surgeon.

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