Tummy Tuck Procedure

A Tummy Tuck from Dr. JExtra weight carried around in the abdomen can leave you feeling insecure, even after you’ve worked hard to reduce your BMI by diligently dieting and getting proper exercise. For one thing, there may be hidden tissue deep beneath the surface of your belly that can be the hardest of all body regions to flatten out. A tummy tuck procedure (known professionally as abdominoplasty)from Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad is a great way to achieve the flat midriff that will make you proud to wear your favorite two-piece bathing suit again.


Dr. Jarrah-Nehad, who is known more familiarly to his patients as “Dr. J.,” invites all of his patients check his qualifications, and study tummy tuck surgery in detail. Once patients have found that Dr. J is one of the most qualified surgeons in Beverly Hills, they can schedule a consultation to learn more. Dr. J will listen to their concerns and help them set realistic expectations about their tummy tuck procedure. He will also discuss tummy tuck cost when appropriate. Since no two abdomens are alike, the preference of the patient will have an effect on the precise nature of the procedure and its planning.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

On the day of surgery, you’ll be placed under general anesthetic, and the operation itself will take about 1-4 hours. An incision will be placed just above the pubic area. Dr. Jarrah-Nejad is known for his “low incision tummy tuck,” during which patients usually also get a pubic lift. Extra tissue will be removed, and the stomach muscles will be tightened. Finally, the incision will be closed with an absorbable stitch, meaning there will be no need for suture removal.


Recovery will take from 1-3 weeks. It will usually be preferable to take time off of work and wear a compression garment. Call (310) 993-3800 to schedule your consultation now, or simply contact us online.

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