What are the Different Kinds of Butt Augmentation?

When you think about buttock augmentation, Los Angeles, or Beverly Hills, are prime locations that come to mind in which to get your procedure done. What you may not know is the different kinds of buttock augmentation: by fat transfer, or butt injections, is the most commonly performed type of buttock augmentation offered by Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, or “Dr. J.” Also called a Brazilian butt lift/or augmentation. This involves using liposuction to remove fat from undesirable areas of your body, such as the flanks, hips or thighs, and repositioning it to the buttocks to achieve more feminine, shapely contours.

The decision to get a buttock augmentation by fat transfer with Dr. J is one that can totally change your physique, although it may be somewhat subtle. You will have a smaller waist, hips and thighs, with a more pronounced rear end that many women crave. Dr. J recommends this type of buttock augmentation for women with flat buttocks or fat in the midsection that can be repositioned to a more attractive area of the body. With these shapelier contours, a woman can fit more easily into a wider variety of clothing, all while feeling more confident about how she looks.

If you want to inquire about buttock augmentation in Beverly Hills with Dr. J, simply call his offices today to learn more, including information to your questions, such as “how much are buttock injections?” We look forward to answering your questions about this exciting procedure and what it can do for you.

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