Butt Lift Before and After

The butt lift before and after photos on this page demonstrate the amazing results regularly achieved by Payam Jarrah-Nejad, MD, FICS, FACS. A double-board certified surgeon and one of the top practitioners in the plastic surgery mecca of Beverly Hills, Dr. Jarrah-Nejad has been a pioneer in leading edge techniques to improve the appearance of buttocks. The women featured in this page were so proud of the results of his work, they enthusiastically volunteered to allow their pictures to be featured.

Known familiarly to his patients as “Dr. J.,” the doctor’s truly impressive Brazilian butt lift before and after results are regularly achieved without the use of implants. Instead, the doctor prefers to transfer fat from other portions of the body via liposuction, thereby achieving the outstanding butt lift before and after results that he is known for. The lift is often done in conjunction with augmentation procedures, the results of which can be seen in Dr. J.’s impressive collection of buttock augmentation before and after photos.

Dr. J.’s butt lift before and after results are widely regarded as extraordinary. His unique combination of vast surgical skill and knowledge, and the touch of a great sculptor, has made him one of the most sought after physicians in the plastic surgery mecca of Beverly Hills, California. His combination of reassuring, confident bedside manner and sensitivity in dealing with the occasionally touchy matters brought up by cosmetic surgery has often been praised by countless patients.

In fact, it’s great plastic surgery before and after results that have made Dr. J. one of the most popular and respected board certified plastic surgeons in Southern California. To learn more about what he can do for you, please call (310) 993-3800 or visit our contact page for a consultation.

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